Jan. 2, 2013 by

Collected from TT by Annegret Liebig. Dec.2012 Dear Temple Sisters and Brothers, Dear friends,      Soon we celebrate Christmas again, the birth of the MASTER JESUS, who was “sent to

The War Prayer

The War Prayer

Dec. 9, 2012 by

Given in the Temple by  Eleanor L. Shumway, Guardian in Chief,  Sunday December 9, 2012 THE WAR PRAYER Mark Twain is arguably one of the  greatest  American  writers. His Adventures

114 and Counting

114 and Counting

Nov. 15, 2012 by

Given in the Temple by Eleanor L. Shumway, Guardian in Chief, Sunday November 11, 2012  The Temple will be 114 years old on Thursday.  But what EXACTLY do these numbers

“Accepting Change:  Socialism, the Temple Home Association, and World War 1″

“Accepting Change: Socialism, the Temple Home Association, and World War 1″

Oct. 29, 2012 by

Professor Paul Ivey, Associate Professor and Division Chair of Art History at the University of Arizona, offered two talks this past Spring and Summer in Halcyon. At the International Gathering

My Mother’s Faith

My Mother’s Faith

Oct. 26, 2012 by

My Mother’s Faith Presented in the Temple By Damian Rollison,    October 21, 2012 On April 15th of this year my mother passed away. Most years, April 15th is Tax Day,



Oct. 14, 2012 by

Given in the Temple by  Eleanor L Shumway, Guardian in Chief, Sunday, October 14, 2012 I have spoken before about  The Healing Meditation and The Words of Force.  We hear



Oct. 13, 2012 by

Compiled from TT by Annegret Liebig, Oct. 2012 Dear Temple-sisters and –brothers, dear friends, Acceptance has a lot to do with HARMONY, HARMONY inside and outside ourselves. How we experience



Oct. 13, 2012 by

Составила из Учений Храма, Аннегрет Либиг, Октябрь 2012 года Дорогоие братья и сёстры по Храму, дорогие друзья,Приемление очень тесно связана с ГАРМОНИЙ, с ГАРМОНИЕЙ внутри нас и внешне. Как мы



Oct. 13, 2012 by

Zusammengestellt aus TL von Annegret Liebig, Oktober 2012 Liebe Tempelgeschwister, liebe Freunde,

Living The Paradox ( or: Am I Confused Yet ?)

Living The Paradox ( or: Am I Confused Yet ?)

Sep. 10, 2012 by

Given in the Temple by Eleanor L. Shumway, Guardian in Chief, Sunday, September 9, 2012 Living The Paradox (or: Am I confused Yet?) The word, paradox, can be defined as