Recalibrating Compassionately
A talk given in the Temple by Rick London, September 21, 2014 My first encounter with Theosophy came through the Halcyon Store nearly twenty years ago. Initially, it may have
A talk given in the Temple by Rick London, September 21, 2014 My first encounter with Theosophy came through the Halcyon Store nearly twenty years ago. Initially, it may have
My Children: I come to bring you the blessings from on high, charged with the forces of Love, Harmony, and Unity. With these forces you and I work together to
Le Message du Maître pour la Convention 2014 Mes enfants, Je viens vous apporter les bénédictions d’en haut, débordantes de forces d’Amour, d’Harmonie et d’Unité. Chargés de ces forces, vous
Послание Учителя к Конвенции 2014 года Дети мои! Я пришёл, чтобы принести вам благословения свыше, заряженные энергией Любви, Гармонии и Единства. С этими энергиями мы с вами работаем вместе для
BOTSCHAFT DES MEISTERS AN DIE CONVENTION 2014 Meine Kinder, ich überbringe euch den Segen des Allerhöchsten, aufgeladen mit den Kräften der Liebe, Harmonie, Einheit. Mit diesen Kräften arbeitet ihr und
Given in The Temple by, Eleanor L. Shumway, July 13, 2014 On November 15,1998, a century after the Temple was founded, Master Hilarion gave us precious words of love
Given in The Temple by, Eleanor L. Shumway, June 8, 2014 The abundance of wisdom we have been given through the Teachings of the Temple is overwhelming. The Temple has
Given In The Temple, by Eleanor L. Shumway, Guardian in Chief, APRIL 13, 2014 For nearly 116 years Master Hilarion has given us precious words of love and
Given In The Temple, by Eleanor L. Shumway, Guardian in Chief, March 23, 2014 Remember George Harrison’s statement, “The tendency of the occult student is toward indefiniteness of statement due
Given In The Temple, by Eleanor L. Shumway, Guardian in Chief, December 8, 2013 There is an increasing body of research among Biblical scholars that suggest that the story of