October 20, 2024
Guardian in Chief Rick London and Treasurer Marti Fast Officiating
Good morning to everyone here and to all who are joining us from home on Zoom.
We warmly welcome you to the Temple of the People for this special Centennial commemoration of the Blue Star Memorial Temple. Let us begin by lighting our candles together, to serve as a reminder of the Light of the spirit that shines throughout the universe.
To enter into the spirit of this morning’s service, we will hear the words of one of the earliest Temple members, Irishman and poet John O. Varian:
Blender of hearts, soother of disputes, Spirit of Unity,
There is joy in my heart because of your presence,
There is happiness in my life because of your wide increase,
Because of the blossoming of hearts into closer understanding,
Because of the blossoming of souls,
Because of deeper loving.
I feel your magic working its mystery through our Temple life,
I sense your powers binding us in golden bonds of loving.
Hands I love around me,
Hearts I love about me,
Souls I love revealing themselves more and more,
Spirits shyly, tentatively, and in the end confidently unifying.
Blender of hearts, soother of disputes, Spirit of Unity,
There is joy in my heart because of your presence,
There is happiness in my life because of your wide increase.
— John O. Varian
Please stand to recite the Words of Force, found on page 2 of the song book, and then sing The Great Unifier on page 3.
Out of the darkness shineth the Light of the glorified Triple Star, into the hearts of humanity, raising the pulse of the Cosmic Heart and driving the shadows into the blackness of the great Abyss.
Great Unifier,
Spirit of Universal Harmony, Love, and Wisdom:
Bind thou in bonds of Holy Brotherhood
Bind thou in bonds of Holy Brotherhood
All Temple Children.
Welcome to the Centennial commemoration of the Blue Star Memorial Temple.
One hundred years ago this month, the construction of this building was completed so that, as stated in the October-November 1924 issue of The Temple Artisan, it could “…open the Blue Star Memorial Temple for regular use and service in the great work of the Temple of the People, to raise all human beings to higher levels of life and consciousness.”
Since then, this singularly beautiful structure has served as the spiritual center for the Temple work in many thousands of services and meetings over the last century of Temple life. Today we are here to honor this historical moment with readings, music, and a Fire Sacrifice intended to carry the impulse of this heart-shaped building into the next 100 years.
To fully honor this architectural expression of the Temple work, we should first remember the reason for the existence of this building and the center of spiritual life we call Halcyon.
The first reading is an excerpt from correspondence published in the June 1924 Artisan, in which a distant member inquires about the Higher Purpose of the Temple. In Dr. Dower’s response, you will hear about each person’s inner responsibility for attuning ourselves to that purpose. He also speaks of the unifying power generated by the combined heart force of those who labored to establish the Temple organization, the stalwart souls who traveled West to found this spiritual center called Halcyon, the inventive builders and masons who gave their all to completing this structure, and successive generations who were and are committed to carrying on this work from one century to the next.
First Reading
This is Dr. Dower’s reply to a question about the Higher Purpose of the Temple:
The Higher Purpose
You must never lose sight of one fact:
The higher purpose, the aim of all who are true Templars, was and still is the preparation of a place where it might become possible for the overshadowing Christ to enter and send forth the message which the world has waited for so long. It would be truly impossible for such an overshadowing of the spiritual forces to enter and dwell with a number of disaffected, treacherous, inhuman elements. It could not do the work for which It came, even if it were possible to come.
Such a place requires quiet, concentration, aspiration, unified endeavor and faith in each other and the common purpose. These are essential; all else is nonessential.
— Hilarion
Dr. Dower responded:
“Relative to the message that we sent you in a recent letter, I will say that the fundamental idea is ‘the preparation of a place where it might become possible for the overshadowing Christ to enter and send forth the Message’ to the world.
“This does not necessarily mean that every Temple member must come here, because they can work away from here in helping us to prepare such a place by making it a real Center, toward which their heart force and aspiration and their help may go. When Karma and circumstances permit, of course, it is well for them to be here in person.
“The fundamental thing is for their heart force to be here, even though they may be thousands of miles away. In fact, we need the outposts, so to speak, the line of the circumference of the circle to which the Forces from the Center may radiate and the forces between the Center and the circumference go to and fro. As long as members at a distance keep attuned, they are helping to do just what is set forth in the message, because it is not time nor place nor form that is the Central thing, but the state of consciousness that we are in; and if we are in the same state of consciousness, we are all together irrespective of place and time.”
Second Reading
The following description by Dr. Dower was given at the August 1923 Convention. At that time the Temple walls were six feet high and there was no roof. But the real meaning was much deeper, as you will hear:
“Today we stand here in this Memorial Temple and measure what a short year has brought forth in practical accomplishment as well as spiritual benefit. While this Memorial Temple is as yet incomplete, yet is complete enough so that we can hold this meeting in it, it will not be long before it is an accomplished fact, and it will stand as a monument in every way befitting the dignity of the Temple work as a movement under the Great Lodge of Masters.
“It is more than a mere structure of wood, cement blocks, reinforced concrete, and pillars. These are only the outer symbols clothing a great spiritual principle, which is the real Temple structure, and which has been building in our hearts and souls during the many years past. This inner building is wrought of the qualities of love, devotion, and sacrifice, and because these qualities have been accumulated in such measure in our collective aura, it is possible to externalize in so short a time a beautiful edifice on the material plane.
“And these inner Temple qualities, which we might say have become an entity, will be a focusing center through which the Temple of the People will radiate its influences to the remotest corners of the earth as time unfolds. For, my brothers and sisters, the Temple work does not mean that we should simply gather here at Halcyon to enjoy spiritual banquets, but that we must send forth our message to the spiritually starved ones of the earth, that the world may be lifted with a lever of love and wisdom resting on the fulcrum of fundamental light and knowledge. In other words, we have a world-work to do, to conquer the world, so to speak, by the forces of love, wisdom, and unselfish service.
“In order to do anything well we must have a plan, a program. Therefore it is well, perhaps, to outline what the Temple program for the world consists of. This can be reduced to five definite objects:
“First: To formulate the truths of religion as the fundamental factor in human evolution. This does not mean the formulation of a creed, but rather the recognition of the religious instinct in human beings and that every religion that the world has ever seen has been an attempt to interpret this primary impulse in human nature. In proportion as we are able wisely to interpret this impulse will we be able to understand what true religion is.
“Second: To set forth a philosophy of life that is in accord with natural and divine law.
“Third: To promote the study of the sciences and the fundamental facts and laws on which the sciences are based, which will permit us to extend our belief and knowledge from what is known to the unknown, or in other words, from the physical to the super-physical, and which, when accomplished, will corroborate those spiritual teachings which have been given to mankind from time to time by the Masters of Light.
“Fourth: To promote the study and practice of art on fundamental lines, showing that art is in reality the application of knowledge to human good and welfare, and that the Christos can speak to humanity through art well as through any other fundamental line of manifestation.
“Fifth: The promotion of the knowledge of a true social science based on immutable law, the law showing the relationship between man and man, and man and God and Nature.
“When these relationships are once understood we will instinctively formulate and follow the law of true brotherhood, for it is ignorance that perpetuates separateness, and once humanity can see spiritually the relations of things, the law of unity begins to operate instantaneously.”
A Gaelic Chant
We will now hear a Gaelic chant from our dear friend and Temple sister, Janice Bell. [Translation: “Come Lord, Come Thou Being”]
Third Reading
These are Dr. Dower’s thoughts from the August 1924 Convention, given in his Report of the Guardian in Chief:
“A movement that can survive for 25 years must have in it some wonderful inherent quality, or there must be back of it a source from which it is constantly drawing and renewing its strength. This must account for the Temple standing today as an entity that has created a firm foundation on which it stands for wider and better work.
“After 25 years of effort, sacrifice, and aspiration, what do we have as the fruit of our labors? In the first place — and I say in the last place, for it is all-important — we have established a nucleus of a universal brotherhood of all humanity “without distinction of race, color or creed.” This is a strong statement to make, but it is true. We have a nucleus that cannot be broken, as it has stood the tests of fearful onslaughts of disintegrating forces during the past 25 years. Yet we should not speak of this boastingly, but in all humility and gratitude.
“In addition to this nucleus, we have a wonderful body of teachings on the mysteries of life and being, given to us by the Masters of the Great Lodge. A portion of these teachings are now being published in book form and will be called “The Teachings of the Temple,” for circulation among members and non-members alike. These teachings are remarkable from every standpoint and touch so many phases of life and its problems and its mysteries that every thinking man or woman who peruses this book will find it an inestimable treasure of helpful knowledge and wisdom.
“…The Temple, as an organism, represents an opening in the great iron wall that separates two planes — that is, the spiritual plane from the physical plane — and through this opening the forces of Light, Love, Compassion, Knowledge, and Wisdom may flow through definite channels clearly into the aura of humanity for helping the world and dissipating the darkness of ignorance, by revealing the fundamental truths on which the universe, man and all creatures and things are built.
“…We also have a well-coordinated organization known as The Temple of the People, a legal entity on the physical plane according to the laws of the State of California, composed of various orders and departments, and all functioning together to promote the general purposes for which the Temple was called into being. We cannot count our numbers by thousands, but no doubt this is as it should be, for we might suffer from the inertia of numbers. It is an axion in mechanics that the finer and higher grade forces are not transmitted through bulky machines but through delicate ones, not having mass and weight, but quality, and this is what the Temple organization and its membership represents and is.
“…It had long been a dream and the ideal of Templars to have a place of worship outside of a residence, but circumstances prevented the consummation of this ideal until after the passing of the first Guardian in Chief, Francia A. La Due, known to inner members as Blue Star. After the passing of our beloved teacher, there seemed to be more need than ever for a place, as the meeting place in the Cottage was obviously too small…In the midst of this, the undersigned was shown a vision of a beautiful Temple edifice on the location where the Memorial Temple now stands, and was instructed by the Master to build an edifice on the principles shown.
“We had about $3,000 in the bank to start with, and after consulting with builders and members, it was deemed safe to start the building. It was soon seen, however, that the $3,000 would be very insufficient, and the statement was put forth that it would cost at least $6,000. To the surprise of all, moneys began to flow into our hands for this purpose, and one or two substantial contributions made us feel satisfied that we need not worry about the outcome.
“Events have justified our faith. At the present time we have expended over $7,000 and have the building practically completed, so far as use and service is concerned. There remain, of course, the furnishings, like chairs, the outside plastering, the building of a hexagonal concrete pavement around the building, the laying out of grounds, paths and many other inside furnishings; but with the exception of the plastering and chairs, much of this can wait until the funds accumulate for doing it…We have abundant faith that all that we need for finishing this splendid edifice will come to pass.
“During the past two years, the Temple has accomplished a remarkable work, namely, the erection of this Temple edifice, which will be a centering point of the consciousness of members everywhere and which will attract many to our Center who otherwise would pass by. This Temple is unique in its architectural features as well as beautiful, and its symbolism is pregnant with deep spiritual truths. It stands as a center to which our consciousness is attracted, and from it we send forth our message to the ends of the earth. And what is our message? The message is the teachings, and the book of Temple Teachings now being printed will therefore be the voice of the Temple going forth into the world to show the way and the light.
“Therefore these two accomplishments — the erection of the Temple and the putting forth of the book of Temple Teachings, which show the fundamental basis of our philosophy under the direction of the Lodge of Masters — are the evidence of work splendidly accomplished, and we might say a summation of the past 25 years of effort, a fruition, so to speak, of all that has gone before. Now we stand at the beginning of a new day, a day in which there will be greater and greater expression of all that the Temple stands for — the philosophical, scientific, religious, and artistic side of its structure in the Great Lodge.”
Fourth Reading
The Temple Artisan published the following report from the August 1924 Convention:
“Dr. Dower said, ‘I think it would be fitting now if we had a word from Mr. Perry More, who has been so faithfully and wonderfully devoted to this Temple building, doing this so carefully, thoroughly, and with all his heart. It has been a labor of love with him. I do not know how to express my appreciation.’
“Mr. More responded as follows:
“Brothers, the work on the Temple was an inspiration from the very start, from my point of view. On one Sunday afternoon the proposed plan was submitted after a Temple meeting. It was thought by some of the members to be very impracticable to build it. It looked so on paper. The moment I saw the plan there was a great exhalation of joy in me at the thought of constructing the building, and the practicability of it and the things it would represent to the Temple of the People and as a means of contacting the world of human life came to me forcibly.
“The plan given out by Mr. Eisen, who, I think, was one of the greatest architects the state ever had, was for a wooden building, with wood walls and square wooden columns, with no basement. An all wood building seemed a crime against art and a repudiation of the cause it represented to build of anything less than solid masonry.
“The building as it is and as given to Dr. Dower was planned and superintended by the Great Ones back of us. My problems were ones of construction on account of the unusual form of the building — a triangle with curving sides — the lack of details, and the problem of supporting the roof. The lines and form are an expression and a symbolization of the universe and humanity. The building was made possible by the years of gathering in sacrifice by devoted ones. I know of no element of mercenary support having entered into it. I think we have a BIG little building.”
Final Reading
This short note was published in the February 1925 issue of The Temple Artisan. It is a universal expression of the connection and light this building radiates:
“ All who visit the Blue Star Memorial Temple are impressed by the beautiful force within its walls, and many have said it is like coming home. Meetings are held there every day in the week except Saturday, and occasionally there is a Saturday evening meeting.
“ The Blue Star Memorial Temple is, in fact, a center of great Forces, and it is quite interesting to note how many people are being attracted to Halcyon as a result. The Sunday meetings in the afternoon are invariably attended by visitors from nearby towns, non-members or friends of members coming from quite a distance to attend our services.
“ The new Temple thus dignifies our work and is a light in itself that attracts those who are looking for inner things. There is no glare at night, as the lighting is by what is known as the indirect method; and when so lighted at night with its many windows aglow and the brilliant porch lights, the edifice indeed is a sight worth seeing; and every member thus seeing this beloved Temple aglow with light must feel an added inspiration and a higher aspiration to do better service in and for the Great Lodge of Masters, of which the Temple stands as an inner force and outer symbol and sign.”
As we draw this service to a close, let us center ourselves for the Fire sacrifice with this message from the Master Hilarion, which guides each of us toward the great inner work we must prepare for in our human hearts and minds.
“The coming of an Avatar requires the time, place, and cycle for such a manifestation in human hearts and minds at the cyclic time. In the quest for the Great Light, you must each find it from the angle of synthesis. This Cosmical Entity may appear as an actual event, but not necessarily in form on this plane. It is a universal force that has and will affect the whole world for good, by raising the vibrations of each human soul higher in the cosmic scale of life.
“It may come to an individual, to a nation, to all nature, to the stars in the heavens, or in many ways. It is a symbol of God manifesting in matter; it is a symbol of the Light dawning at a new era; it is a symbol of His Holy Presence in the Sacred Temple. It matters not where or how you see or feel the Presence of that Great Entity, but it does matter how much you do in conscious effort to bring about a more harmonious state of affairs in the lives of all you contact, and what the final effect of that Presence on you will be because of your effort.”
Everyone, please stand for the Fire Sacrifice.
Fire Sacrifice
“On behalf of all present, and in the names of all absent members and friends, we offer this incense on these Flames.
“Ascending Flames, on thy inner radiance bear to our Great Brothers of the Fire Mist, the Dhyan Chohans and Dhyani Buddhis — the Masters of Wisdom and Angels of Love and Compassion — our highest aspirations and desires for the unification in Love and Unity of all the peoples of the earth.
“Draw to this place the highest and holiest forces of Love, Wisdom, and Compassion, as the Blue Star Memorial Temple enters its second century of service to humanity. May all who enter this sacred space unite hearts with the Holy Presence, and work as One in fulfilling the Higher Purpose of the Temple of the People.
“For all this we pray, in the name of Love and Sister-Brotherhood. AMEN.
Let us close the service by standing to recite the Temple Mantrams found on page 2.
Following the Mantrams, please remain standing as Janice Bell sings His Holy Temple, found on page 8.
I believe that in me dwelleth every good and perfect Spirit. Believing this, I will show forth this day, by thought, word, and deed, all that perfection that dwelleth in me. I am one with God and all Good. Evil hath no power over me. Though clouds and darkness seem to be about me, yet dwell I eternally in the Light.
God is in His Holy Temple, God is in His Holy Temple,
God is in His Holy Temple, Let all the earth be still.
Let all the earth be silent, let all the earth be silent,
let all the earth be silent, be silent before Him.
Be silent, be silent, be silent before Him.
To everyone here and at home, thank you for being with us to celebrate the centennial of this beautiful Temple building, and to launch its next 100 years. As we extinguish our candles together, let us carry the Light of the Temple into the world and shine it into everything we think, do, and say.
There is a Peace that passeth understanding.
There is a Power that maketh all things new. It lives and moves in those who know the Self as One.
May that Peace brood over us, that power uplift us, till we stand where the One Great Initiator is invoked.
And may the Holy Trinity of Love, Will, and Wisdom be with us now and forevermore. AMEN.