Posted by admin on August 4, 2013
Templars All: Many years ago as you count time I told you that the suggestions and thoughts, as well as the force given you through the annual messages from me are for the definite purpose of sustaining and guiding you during the coming year, and helping wherever possible to avoid repetitions of past mistakes. This can only be done as you hold these words in your consciousness, as you use them as a guide or chart to draw upon in your efforts. Otherwise, why should time be wasted by Me in giving them to you, or by you in listening to a passing reading.
It is well for you now to determine for yourselves how much of truth was conveyed to you, and whether you have profited in any way from it. It will also, as said before, prepare you for better reception of each new communication.
These yearly messages are the articulation of certain rates of vibration of high spiritual energies that have been stepped down to meet your needs. In years past, I spoke of the need of unified effort on your part when I told you unless each of you as a disciple is as one spoke among other spokes in a wheel, all running to a hub, and circumscribed by the rim of protection which the White Lodge can throw around such a living, geometrical figure, we could do nothing of any significance in the way of salvage or protection in the event of small or great catastrophes.
“You do not yet understand the action of the energies which control matter en masse, and consequently do not realize that the Templars form a distinct group on exact geometrical and mathematical lines on the astral plane, a form which you have been building up during past ages. The said energies can only act on the geometrical lines of that figure, as far as you collectively are concerned. If you break up the corresponding figure on the plane of matter, you also disarrange its constituent lines on the interior planes, and as we can act only in accordance with natural law you may render us incapable of helping or protecting you in any crisis, by the disarrangement of the lines through which the forces required can pass.” You disarrange these lines by actions as seemingly simple as being angry at each other, by being unkind, arrogant, self-seeking, judgmental, or critical. Perhaps in your estimation these are small, physical plane actions, which matter little in your spiritual quest. How many times must I tell you THERE ARE NO LITTLE THINGS.
I am now speaking to you collectively as Templars as I have time and time again when I say, “The same laws govern all other groups of people in the world who are in similar forms. Ignorance, non-recognition of vital truths, and repudiation of place, position and duty are fast pulling down or putting up barriers which will inevitably result in such world-wide calamity as I have [before] indicated.” It may well be that all humanity, in which you are included, must again witness or be partakers in such scenes before you will consent to heed the warnings brought to you through such stress and strain as the last century has witnessed. All humanity is part of this great movement in consciousness whether or not they have yet awakened to that reality, and it is to all I have now spoken, not to this small assemblage alone; but on you rests the responsibility of awakening others to our collective responsibility. Do not waste time.
One of the surest ways to fulfill this responsibility is to become in thought, word, and deed, an awakened disciple on the Path. This must happen before you attempt to awaken others. You tell me you don’t have time, there are too many responsibilities that must be attended to first, or it is not convenient just now. This is not a matter of convenience or choice. It is a matter of turning everything you do, every minute of every day, into an act that offers faith, hope, and selflessness, be it scrubbing a floor, sharing food with a neighbor, or praying for harmlessness and the highest good for all. Remember, there is no going back to so-called old ways. You have made a irrevocable commitment to the Higher Law and your own soul. The only way to go is forward into glory or into the darkness of the Great Abyss, and even from there you will go forward in endless repetition of past mistakes until you learn to choose the path leading to the glory of self-conscious union with All That Is.
I have given you all the tools you will ever need. Those tools are simplicity itself. Again and yet again I tell you to listen within to the soft, clear note sounding and resounding in your hearts that speaks of empathy, love, understanding, compassion, charity, will, acceptance, and wisdom. This note is expressed in your hourly, daily lives through kindly thoughts and words, through forbearance, and through spontaneous acts of helping each other. We rely on you to open your hearts wide to this increasingly insistent note of Love, this message for which the world hungers.
You must become the very essence of the theme I have given you for this Convention gathering, that of Hope! When I say “For the love of the Christ that is in us all, let us turn our hearts to the Light and our footsteps in the direction of those ‘who have marked the signs of the times’ and been permitted to see the sheaf of Annunciation Lilies held in the hand of the Angel–the Progenitor of the Coming Race–and hear the words which bid them seek out the desolate and faint-hearted and give them a message of Hope,” I am telling each one of you that you are the one who must do this, and do it now. This is your responsibility, not someone else’s.
The beacon word I would leave with you is “SELF-RESPONSIBILITY.” May it illuminate your consciousness and thereby your actions for the coming years.
Your Father/Brother Hilarion